Today we had some errands to do in Darien; about thirty or fourty minutes away. I was going to vlog the trip, but I left my memory card in the computer at home! I couldn't believe it. Instead, I took a handful of pictures.
Nate and myself
A sea monster in Georgia??!
....Seriously? They think the sea monster is a beaver?
Hello, middle of nowhere.
Oh hey there guys!
My sweet Asryella drinking with her hands and her feet!
After we got home, we went off on the exciting adventure known as grocery shopping! We ended up not buying much....that's how it usually goes. When we made it back home and started to put everything away, a tub of cocoa powder fell off one of the top shelves and covered everything on the way down. How excellent. I couldn't help it, I laughed. It was just such a ridiculous thing to have happened.
Now my sweet Asryella is playing at my feet, and Nate is sleeping. I'm trying to upload today's vlog, but I'm having a little trouble. Hopefully I get it figured out before tomorrow.
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