
Friday, August 5, 2011


So I filled yesterday and today with the single most exciting task in the world: cleaning. I rearranged the living room, washed nearly every piece of clothing in the house, and lots of other thrilling things. There hasn't exactly been a rush of interesting things to write about, which is why I was MIA yesterday.

The only exciting thing that DID happen to me however, was that today I was told I should start a vlog. Who might suggest this, you add? Oh, nobody in particular. Some kid named Mark Johnson. Now, let me clarify. He didn't exactly go out of his way to find me and say "HEY, Alyssa! You are so exciting that you should make a vlog about your daily life. It would captivate the entire WORLD, including myself."
No, it was more like:
ME: You make me want to vlog too!

Hahahahaha. But regardless, I had like a two hour nerd mode where I spazzed out. I'm still sort of having it. Otherwise I wouldn't be running around acting like TWO WORDS are the most exciting things I've ever heard. Don't rain on my parade please.

But once I started thinking about it seriously, it didn't seem like too bad of an idea. It would push me to go out and do more; experience more. Make my life a little more exciting. I'd get to find out how many people hate me out there. But I would also be able to capture some things that I otherwise would miss. I think that's really the best thing I would bring from it. To be honest, the more I think about it, the better it sounds.

ALSO, if you have no idea who Mark Johnson is, I strongly suggest you aquaint yourself.
Go to The Party Logs and watch some of his videos. Watch all of them. Subscribe, then watch them again. He's a great kid. Well, he's my age, but still.

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